COVID is Perfect Cover for AI/Robots Taking Most Jobs From Humans

Enter China’s first totally automated restaurant. Technocrats had planned on 50%-70% unemployment, including jobs like doctors & lawyers, but as Mike Bloomberg said, they were worried about “We the People” coming after them with guillotines. Now we’re begging for robots to replace dirty humans

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Violence Tipping Point: Soros’ US Color Revolution

Media & social media are cherry-picking violence and using it to provoke dangerous reactions like those of the wealthy lawyers in fear of their lives but waving guns recklessly. BLM, an astroturf organization heavily funded by Soros’ Open Society, is pushing a color revolution here with white Marxists.

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New Vaccine Risk Factor As Manufacturing Ramps Up

Billions of new doses of an untested, unfinished vaccine have to be ready to go in a couple of months. What could possibly go wrong? Reuters cheers the “heroes” who are getting ready to make a “killing” and unintentionally highlights another major safety risk for vaccines — refrigeration at extremely low temperatures required

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