The David Knight Show (2July20 Full Show)

— 00:12:21 Day 108: NY County issuing subpoenas to force contact tracing, media trumpets the fact to intimidate Fourth of July celebrations — 00:22:27 Even secular libertarians are concerned about the attacks by govt on First Amendment religious liberty. DeBlasio & Chris Cuomo declare their faith in the cult of the omnipotent state — 00:31:38 Stock Market jumps on news of the “vaccine race”, dumping gold. Million of doses, “tested”, manufactured and distributed before the end of the year — just a couple of months from now — 00:41:50 Gates is rigging a test of hydroxychloroquine as BigPharma models vaccine “in silico”. What’s that? — 00:51:15 Judicial supremacists (SCOTUS) rule on private religious schools as they refuse to hear a case where the police destroyed a $580,000 home to capture a shoplifter who fled to the family’s home — 01:04:09 Gerald Celente & Judge Napolitano will be holding a 4th of July celebration of liberty in defiance of govt orders (info at And, why is the media NOT freaking out over the threat to American soliders’ lives in Afghanistan because we’re STILL there after 20 yrs? — 01:24:29 The fight over Mt. Rushmore and the silence over modern chattel slavery of blacks in Mauritania — 01:38:15 Richard Proctor,, the key threats to liberty today. Will it survive in the 21st Century?

The David Knight Show (1July20 Full Show)

— 00:04:27 USA Held Hostage Day 107: Deconstructing Fauci’s lies about 100k/day cases & “models” — 00:25:55 Ron Paul, eyewitness reports & hospital personnel vs media lies & govt propaganda — 00:31:44 General Flynn: “doing the harder right and not the easier wrong”. His op-ed piece calling on Americans to wake up & act & John MacArthur tells Christians that BLM is NOT about protecting black lives — 00:56:18 Eric Peters,, on medical tyranny of the gesundheitfuhrers, the “DAD Act” being pushed in Washington and why we no longer have iconic cars (or liberty) — 01:24:28 GOP FL Gov pushes masks, Judge Napolitano pushes back — it’s not simply bad medicine, it’s bad law and tyranny — 01:43:38 Biden’s “no-brainer” pick for VP and her father’s connections to UN Open Borders & Soros’ Open Society — 01:54:52 Marxist mob comes for Seattle Mayor & she changes her mind about the “street party” called CHAZistan. Mob fires into SUV, arsonist sets himself on fire trying to burn down a home. What are your legal rights to protect yourself ? And, another look at the lawyers who protected their home in St. Louis

The David Knight Show (30June20 Full Show)

— 00:04:36 Day 106, Nobel Prize scientist who called it as a fraud from the beginning says no “scientist” wanted to look at his numbers, told him to just shut up. Now vacillating GOP Governors are backing down on reopening, frightened of the social media mob & bots — 00:22:35 Travel restrictions are coming — within USA & outside of airports. If a plane can be disinfected quickly with UV light, why are we worried about outdoor surfaces & locking people inside where they don’t get Vitamin D? — 00:31:52 Did Fauci “standard of care” drug costs $5,700 instead of a couple of dollars for hydroxychlorquine, the first choice in a survey of over 6,000 physicians — 00:52:47 Fauci & CNN start the narrative for mandatory COVID vaccination as he IMAGINES 70-75% effectiveness (no vaccine has been tested yet), therefore 100% participation required for “herd immunity” — 01:14:24 Chinese scam pushed 83 TONS of fake gold bars. How does that compare to the TRILLIONS of fake money printed by the Federal Reserve? And, as China has a new strategy to destroy the petrodollar but will the Fed beat them to it? — 01:24:41, the new dramatic film by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, will release July 8. Dr. Wakefield joins to talk about the film which portrays the vaccine decisions we will all soon be faced with in light of the 1986 act that gave legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers for death or injury. — 01:56:53 Forbes pulled the plug on the op-ed piece by a 30 yr environmentalist, 20 yr climate alarmist — “sorry I misled you”. Here’s what he had to say that Big Business media like Forbes doesn’t want you to hear

The David Knight Show (29June20 Full Show)

— 00:00:00 Sacha Baron Cohen’s False Flag: perfect metaphor for everything the Left is doing — 00:02:38 Day 105, USA Held Hostage — lockdown hopes pinned on mask hype — 00:11:43 Gates’ new CNN propaganda piece to push panic & surveillance — 00:22:01 Craig Richardson,, joins to look at hungry, bankrupt Democrat cities circling struggling businesses like vultures. Like the restaurant industry, small energy companies are near death while big players are thriving. What will the collapse of cheap energy mean for YOUR life? — 00:41:48 COVID is the perfect cover for replacing human jobs with AI/Robots — 00:55:37 Maskarade: psyop by left as GOP caves — 01:04:03 Judicial Supremacy kills. Roberts stays on left, opposing pro-life law, reverses his decision 4 yrs ago — 01:23:43 Black couple laughs at all white BLM statue protestors — 01:28:04 DC statehood passes Democrat House. Would Supreme Court require the Constitution be amended to make DC a state? Dems would pick up TWO Senate seats (increase size of Senate by 4% — permanently Democrat) — 01:37:27 L’oreal, Golden Girls, Splash Mountain, John Wayne — corporate cultural hegemony runs rampant — 01:55:19 Violence & race war of Soros’ BLM color revolution reaches tipping point

The David Knight Show (25June20 Full Show)

— 00:04:24 Day 101 of LOCKDOWN: Cuomo will fine/quarantine drivers from certain states, mask laws are proliferating — 00:25:42 Joy Behar, “The View”, goes from b-tch to snitch and so do thousands of people in NM (who are in turn doxxed themselves) — 00:39:53 The “Warp Speed” vaccination program highlights another danger of vaccines — refrigeration. Moderna vaccine must be constantly refrigerated at -112F — If not, then what happens? — 00:55:21 I ain’t ‘fraid of no noose! “If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? NooseBusters!” Well, Bubba & NOOSECAR called in 15 FBI agents for TWO DAYS to examine the hoax. “If it’s somethin’ weird, an’ it don’t look good, who ya gonna call?” — 01:08:51 Flynn is free at last! Why any prosecutor appeal will likely fail. And new documentary evidence that the criminal conspiracy including Obama, Biden, Yates. Why did FBI hide the evidence for so long? And Roger Stone is still in the crosshairs — 01:28:10 Election: John Bolton joins LP? Laura Loomer ahead in polls, Thomas Massie wins, Rand Paul candidate beats GOP establishment pick — 01:37:34 Police—Reform or Re-Labeling? GOP bill killed by Democrats (for WRONG reason) but that’s a GOOD thing — Here’s why… — 01:46:05 Gerald Celente, publisher of Trends Journal, joins to look at the escalating COVID “SadoMASKism” attacks on liberty and economic outlook for gold, silver, depression

The David Knight Show (26June20 Full Show)

— 00:04:31 Day 102 of America Held Hostage: Abbott goes wobbly in Texas after social media mob attacks & backtracks on reopening; NY is in deep depression so Cuomo deflects by attacking Florida governor — 00:13:58 Marc Randazza, first amendment & intellectual property lawyer, joins to talk about corporate pressure on Facebook to step up censorship of conservatives, Carpe Donktum’s ban from Twitter & talk of being sued for fair use parody, and where do we draw the line on hate speech as Rand Paul exposes the dangers of the “anti-lynching” bill — 00:55:51 Simon Roche,, joins to talk about current state of global lockdown in South Africa and how they have faced what is beginning in America for 20 years — how they organized at the local level to successfully protect themselves though outnumbered 20 to 1 — 01:31:40 Venezuela, France, Rome - toppling statues to topple civilizations — 01:38:53 Over 123 different vaccines are being test. But what is REALLY being tested is your will to voluntarily become a slave — 01:46:19 Why doesn’t anyone talk about Morris Dees defense of KKK before he founded SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)? — 01:55:36 Bubba didn’t mind Confederate flag 2 years ago, but it kept him from getting corporate sponsors so he joined with CEO of NOOSECAR to virtue signal to corporations

The David Knight Show (24June20 Full Show)

— 00:04:29 Day 100: Don’t believe media alarmism about 2nd Wave. Here’s why they’re attacking Texas Gov Abbott & others easing lockdown — 00:13:58 Fauci pushes “viral surge” — 00:29:41 Media that praised resisting “police state” when it was a black illegal immigrant with EBOLA, now demand totalitarian measures — 00:31:37 “Heir Conditioners” — BF Skinner’s experiments to condition his own children are being done to us — 00:39:40 Civil War was about Industrial Revolution, a Fourth Turning, & Civil War 2 is about the reinvention of slavery, the Technocracy Revolution ushered in by the Artilect War — 00:59:02 “Cracka” - predictive programming for white genocide — 01:20:47 Bubba, no noose, but he keeps pushing the fantasy while other NASCAR racers push his car to rid themselves of guilt. What’s behind the NASCAR facade — 01:28:05 Judicial Watch gets access to information that finds that not only were aborted baby parts being trafficked, but the customer was none other than the federal “health” agencies so concerned about saving us from COVID. FDA was buying baby parts to create HM (humanized mice) and Francis Collins set up the the NIH as the brain trust, literally, for Transhumanism, to develop mind transfer and eternal life for elites. — 01:37:37 Eric Kolkhorst, veteran police officer, son of police officer talks about corruption, recrimination & attacks he suffered for not joining corruption, who & how police were changed

The David Knight Show (23June20 Full Show)

— 00:04:44 Fauci, single biggest threat to Trump re-election says RealClearPolitics — 00:14:10 Purge “white Jesus”, a symbol of racism says BLM leader that many say is white, passing for black — 00:32:26 Statues are just chess pieces in a war of civilizations. Hungarian PM Orban understands — 00:42:28 Roberts will be the deciding vote on Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Whichever way he votes, he will be reversing himself — 00:47:01 No one will ever make a statue of spineless appeasers like UK’s BoJo. Here’s what he (and others) don’t understand about the destruction of Western Civilization. — 01:21:49 Trump signs Exec Order to stop work visas while 49 Million Americans are unemployed. Lindsey Graham is furious — 01:38:19 Will a nuclear EMP destroy America or will a currency collapse do it first? — 01:46:46 Veteran Erie cop fired for complaining about BLM’s license to kill cops

The David Knight Show (22June20 Full Show)

— 00:00:11 Snowflake culture cancels Eskimo Pies & other insanity — 00:08:51 Lockdown is gradually being extended globally to 2021 — 00:19:55 Fauci says he is the sole arbiter of “science” & authority — 00:31:44 Staggering financial fraud as Fed Reserve declares coin shortage & rationing — 00:46:34 Lenin — the face of democracy? Ludicrous propaganda as he is enshrined in Seattle & Germany — 01:04:41 Francis Scott Key — the story behind the man & the lyrics of the National Anthem BLM love to hate — 01:14:01 DeBlasio Marxist Committee on monuments comes after Teddy Roosevelt after trashing Washington & Jefferson — 01:24:19 Monitoring the school’s online class, a mother realizes her son, the only white kid in class, is being shamed as “racist” simply for being white — 01:28:57 There can be no white male heroes! The mob purges the fictional character voted #1 film hero by the American Film Institute — 01:38:05 Rope swings for exercise & fun, put up by a black man, will be investigated by liberal white mayor as hate crime EVEN AFTER the man goes public — 01:46:11 Callers — PCR tests used for disease diagnostics are fraudulent, how to avoid wearing a mask even in California, and what should Trump do about West CHAZistan (Seattle)

The David Knight Show (17June20 Full Show)

00:04:26 Before the media provoked race war & looting, Americans were already the “unhappiest” they’ve been in 50 yrs; Fauci admits lying — 00:19:31 Virginia gives CDC & state health officials power to mandate vaccines, Colorado requires “re-education” courses for parents who don’t vaccinate on their schedule — 00:27:48 Six months before COVID surfaced, Gates worked funded preparations in Africa for testing/tracing, sending the Democrat who just introduced $100 BILLION testing/tracing federal program, and a sizable portion of $1 Trillion infrastructure bill will be for 5G construction to track you (for your health) — 00:49:41 Serial killers of free speech become Cereal Killers coming after Coco Puffs & Aunt Jemima — 00:55:33 Responding to listeners over when lethal force should be used by police and by citizens — 01:04:01 The MORE you spend, the WORST the results whether you’re talking about schools or police, the pattern is the same. Then there’s the unions… — 01:14:07 l The Hegelian Dialectic and police reform. And, Trump’s Executive Order on reform — 01:23:28 NBC & Google team up to bankrupt ZeroHedge & the Federalist — 01:40:35 UN official brags that COVID & race war are “a fire drill” for their agenda (UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainability) — 01:45:54 EXPOSED: Nikki Haley’s propaganda lies to get us deeper into a war — :01:55:05 Democrats race-hate is working. Random attacks on white people as media does its spin and cover up