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The David Knight Show (15 Jan 20 Full Show)

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00:09:08: Jet dumps toxic fuel on school kids in LA during emergency — but what about toxic vaccines being dumped on them? Doctors & experts, supporters of vaccines, candidly admit the toxicity & lack of safety studies at WHO Vaccine Safety Conferences

00:26:17: Horror writer Stephen King, beloved Trump troll of the left, faces the horrors of the prog-left as he dares to tweet about merit over identity politics when it comes to “art”

00:31:37: Warren sells a t-shirt bragging about being an “arrogant, impossible woman”.  We noticed when she bitch slapped Bernie at the debate.  But she also asserts that as president she would have vast autocratic powers.  Radical, autocratic, despotic also apply

00:46:35: Live interview with Matt Shea, popular 6 term state rep, has become the target of radical leftists in control of Washington state & establishment media, labeling him a “domestic terrorist” without any evidence and denying due process.  What is happening & will they be able to expel him?

01:28:40: Virginia Democrat calls THOUSANDS of 2A protestors mentally ill & suggest they should be Red-Flagged

01:55:48 PROOF: Democrats NEVER believed Russia “hacked” the 2016 election


00:00:00: Today we are talking about the aftermath of the Dem debate. I didn’t actually watch it, sorry folks, life is too short. They always ask the same questions every debate and never challenge anyone. There is no debate. What everyone is talking about is the Warren/Bernie handshake. I think Bernie just misplaced the comma when he was telling Warren she couldn’t win. He meant you can’t win if you ONLY run on being a woman. I could not find anyone asking Warren about any of the insane things she’s said over the past couple of weeks. No one asked her about her wanting to ban all new homes unless they are carbon neutral. Then before the debate she announced she would do this without the authority of Congress.

00:04:35: Warren was hectoring Bernie last night, to the point he just threw up his hands at the end. Nobody even asked Warren about her insane policies.  We will have Matt Shea on in the second hour.  The leftists and LGBT people hate Matt Shea because like our founding fathers he speaks the truth and cannot be cowed. One reason they hate Matt Shea is he was instrumental in getting the BLM whistleblower’s info out. They want to take revenge on him. This is exactly the same thing we see happening with Trump’s impeachment. They hate them so they have to be gotten rid of. You should be very afraid of this, if they can do it to a President, and a very popular state house rep then they can do it to you. Look at the Bernie staffer exposed by ProjectVeritas.  Today in the news, in LA we had elementary school kids doused in jet fuel. The plane had to make an emergency landing and had to dump the fuel. We had to dump it it was an emergency! How is this different from them mandating vaccines? We don’t know the long term effects of either.


00:14:09: Victory! Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up To Protest In New Jersey. One rep said while he was for it, it left people ‘no other options’. This didn’t begin when they kicked us off of social media, they’ve been propagandizing your children from the cradle for years. If you want to save this country get your kids out of the system and home school.  I used to go to Colonial Williamsburg a lot. There was a guy who did a great impersonation of Thomas Jefferson. I would always ask him tough questions to be able to make points. Jefferson was home schooled as were all the founders. This is why there is nothing about schooling in the Constitution they never imagined a world with schools like today.  We are going to go back to the video I played where these scientists are discussing the dangers of adjuvants and still saying we need to vaccinate people. They’re saying “People don’t trust us!” we don’t trust you because the truth is coming out.


00:22:39: We will have Matt Shea on in the next hour to break down his ongoing persecution he is enduring. You now have Trump’s DOJ persecuting him. That’s how out of control these people are.  Just like you saw from the Sanders campaign yesterday they want to lock up or kill anyone who disagrees with them. If they can do this to Matt Shea you’re next. I’ve shown you many cases where us little people have been caught up in this sort of thing. You just don’t normally hear about it.  Flynn has now withdrawn his guilty plea. The government should be compensating him for what they’ve done instead they’re trying to put him in prison.  Let’s look at Stephen King and what happened after the Oscars. He thinks quality in work matters their because that’s his profession. Martin Luther King Jr. would be hated today.  King went to far thinking that quality matters in art. Everything else should be decided on diversity. Leftists were not happy. The back and forth between Warren and Bernie is being talked about today. Warren is claiming Bernie is a sexist who told her a “woman can’t be president”. Tulsi pushed back on the idea that Bernie is a sexist.  Even though all of Warren’s insane policies have been on display in the media no one asked her about them.  Every four years they reach into the vault and dust off the same old questions for these debates. Last week Warren pushed for dictatorial control of home construction.

00:31:54: Just to remind you, every time Warren sees herself sinking in the polls she ups the ante on free stuff. You had her come out and say that by 2028 she would order all houses built in the US to be carbon neutral. This is part of their agenda to lock you in their gulag-smart-cities. She vowed to ban all oil and gas drilling on her first day in office.  Warren can issue edicts to ban oil and gas drilling, mandate houses and cars be carbon neutral but Trump can’t defend the border.  Did anyone ask her about this during the debate? Nahhh.  Warren Says Her Plan To Eliminate Student Loan Debt would bypass Congress. Just vote for me, I’ll give you free stuff!  She is offering to buy the votes of students. “$50k going once! Do I hear $55k?”  Warren was carrying the chip on her shoulder over the alleged insult from Bernie Sanders.  Warren Makes Debate Case: Democratic Woman Can Beat Trump. I don’t think so, Liz. The only woman to win the Dem primary is Hillary and she bought it.  We are supposed to ignore the fact she is a domineering, hectoring school marm.  She has never once run on her accomplishments. It’s always been identity and oppression. We need to tell this woman to get lost. She is the embodiment of identity politics. Maybe Bernie meant you can’t win if the only thing you’ve got is you’re a woman.

00:42:14: Warren’s t-shirt: Impolite Arrogant Women Make History” it could use a few more adjectives. Domineering and autorcratic come to mind. CNN’s Van Jones says Bernie stepped on a banana peel with Warren in the debate. Tulsi Gabbard Shades Warren over Bernie sexist remarks. Van Jones also said ‘Nothing I saw tonight would be able to take Donald Trump out’. Warren: Let’s Put Men In Women’s Prisons. “We have to stop putting trans-women in prison with men!” so put these mentally deranged, sex obsessed men in prison with women!  Bernie Sanders: ‘Of course’ cheap illegal workers drive down U.S. Wages. Turns out he does have some capitalist tendencies. 

00:46:52: MATT SHEA JOINS THE SHOW.  The democrats at every level of government are just as corrupt as the ones trying to impeach Trump. Rep. Matt Shea Wants To Call Witnesses To Prove Accusations False. Why wouldn’t he be allowed to call them? You don’t lose your rights once you are elected. But as I said, if they can do it to Trump they can do it to anyone.  Matt Shea: Citizens around the state are rallying and other Republican organizations are coming out in support of me. It’s important for everyone in Washington to understand, there’s only been one legislator expelled from the House and they were given due process, then convicted before expulsion was ever discusses. I am being persecuted for exposing Obama administration corruption.  David: I was there at the Bundy ranch, I guess they’ll come after me next for telling the truth. I want to read this quote “It is more probable than not that Rep Shea is likely to plan, direct engage in additional future conflicts…”  Matt Shea: That is pre-crime! I had a reporter come up to me and ask why I was using encrypted email, trying to paint it as suspicious. Millions of Americans do this and why wouldn’t I after the gov’t has been exposed illegally spying on the American people.  David: This is very important because we see these Democrats in Va saying they are willing to start a civil war. If they can do this to Matt Shea they will do it to YOUR local rep or local sheriff. We will hang together or we will hang separately. One thing they really hate about you Matt is that you are explicitly Christian.

00:56:27: We are talking with Matt Shea and his situation is incredibly similar to the impeachment nonsense with President Trump. All the witnesses never witnessed anything, it’s all based on hearsay. This is what is happening across the country. From President Trump to State Rep Matt Shea and they will come for you too.  Matt Shea: I’ve never been contacted by the FBI about this, they haven’t tried to learn anything. The only time I’ve been contacted by the FBI was this summer to warn me of a death threat.  David: One thing you said in your statement is if the Speaker thinks I am a terrorist should let the FBI do their job!  Matt Shea: I am an unashamed Christian, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I will never back down from that. This isn’t about me, President Trump or Congressman King, they’re attacking the American people.  David Knight: I talked about the Lincoln Project and how they are a fake conservative group, desperately trying to destroy Christianity.  Matt Shea: I think in America, Christians think we are immune to persecution but it’s already happening. We received minutes from local meetings where they said they want to target Christians and keep lists on where they work. These people are trying to instill fear and use it to silence people.  David: We had the shooter who tried to kill people at the Family Research Council.

01:04:53: Truth is treason in the empire of lies and we are talking to Matt Shea the man they are trying to paint as a traitor. They are slandering him in the press. This story from the Seattle Times for example: How To Put Matt Shea In His Place. There are no facts in this piece. Matt You ought to sue these people for libel!  Matt Shea: I am in contact with lawyers. They are trying to label us all domestic terrorists. We are going to see this over the next year. If you apply that label to someone and then add a red flag law you have a pretext for taking the guns. This is the rhetoric of people like Mao. They always replace God with the state. They want total control over the people.  David: Here’s the title from the LA Times Washington State Rep. Matt Shea Branded As A ‘Domestic Terrorist,’ Refuses To Resign.  Matt Shea: We are finally seeing what the leftists think of us. They think we’re terrorists because we believe in the Bible and the Constitution. I think people need to understand that there is no more middle ground. Either you’re an American and you want to restore the republic or you’re not and you want to undermine it.  David: Let’s talk about where you are right now, we’re seeing all these reports that you are expelled or about to be. What do you think is about to happen?  Matt Shea: I’m not aware of any vote to expel me at the moment. Also I know that there is a rule that says once a Rep has been expelled he cannot be expelled for the same thing twice. I’ve been getting more and more support as this goes on and I don’t think they want to put themselves of expelling me then having me get re-elected. I have gotten a lot of messages of support from Republican organizations, the idea that I’m alone is completely false.  David: Even in the hit piece article they have quotes from your supporters.

01:14:16: We need more people like Matt Shea in government. He fears God and God alone.  Matt Shea: These people want violence, we just saw it thanks to James O’Keefe. These people don’t just want violence they want to completely destroy America.  David: We had Bernie Sanders saying that it is ‘our job to build the United Nations’ it’s the UN’s job to destroy us!  Giving out the information for the defense fund.  Matt Shea: I don’t know if they’re planning a vote, they’re keeping me in the dark. I’m just going to keep rallying the troops. They have a gun control meeting coming up soon, debating whether to ban high capacity mags.  David: We had Magpull just donate a thousand 30 round magazines to VA you should get in contact and see if they’ll send some your way.  Matt Shea: I was given the report, 108 pages an hour and a half before the meeting. They didn’t want me to be able to respond. They redacted all the witness names. Over three dozen witnesses were not interviewed. This is a template for what they are going to do to other Americans in the lead up to 2020.  David: These people are no longer afraid to label themselves Marxists and socialists. If they can paint Matt Shea as a terrorist they can do it to anybody. Matt Shea is incredibly popular and has been elected 6 times.

01:24:20: We were talking in the last hour about the tactics the democrats are using to come after their political enemies. The DOJ has become incredibly corrupt, look at what they did to General Flynn. They had to get him out immediately. They send FBI agents over, they don’t tell him this an interrogation, ask him some non-substantive questions and then get him on a process crime. Judges are always lying to juries over jury nullification because it is the biggest threat to their power. This trial has been a complete farce and Flynn’s lawyer has said they are withholding evidence. Flynn has said the government is acting in ‘bad faith’ and ‘vindictiveness’. I am glad to see him withdrawing his guilty plea and fighting this. Like I said if they can do this to powerful people they will come for you next.

01:28:52: Democrat Says Second Amendment Supporters In Virginia Have ‘Mental Issues’. Said they were ‘children’. These people don’t respect any of your rights or the rule of law. Look at Warren saying by executive order she will ban new homes and nuclear power. She knows better than you and she will dictate from the Oval Office. She doesn’t need congress to be involved in taking your liberties she can do it all by herself. I’ve talked a long time about drug prohibition not because I use or like drugs but because it NEVER works. It has only made the problem worse and corrupted our law enforcement and legal system. When this guy Dave Marsden was asked about his letter he doubled down and said too many of the NRA’s supporters are ‘very unstable people’. You’re crazy if you’re worried about us using force to confiscate your guns. If you engage and debate these people in public you’re mentally ill and a threat. Look at how they labeled Matt Shea. They are now using Trump’s “do the due process later” against him. Take the Presidency first and do the due process later. Someone needs to explain to these modern revolutionaries what happened to Robespierre. Everything has been turned upside down and inside-out. Look at the FDA and stem cells. They have never claimed jurisdiction over something like this before. Biden: I’ve Beaten The NRA, Time To Get Rid Of Their Ammo. If they can take your ammo all you’re left with is a club. It’s interesting Law Enforcement Today called Biden out over this.

01:38:26: As we had people turn out by the thousands to oppose the authoritarian dems in VA we had a lot of guns bills. The most extreme one was withdrawn but four have moved on to a vote after being slightly watered down. The fight continues. The fight is full on in Seattle. The same thing is happening there as in all the other places they have tried this. The places with the most violence is where they have the strictest gun laws and now it’s happening in Seattle. Shootings both fatal and non-fatal were up last year, the highest they’ve been in 7 years. This is because they have added all kinds of restrictions to guns. They also added a tax on ammunition. Don’t worry the police and gov’t will always be there to protect you right? Look at this article. 92-Year-Old Woman Sexually Abused and Murdered by Illegal Alien After New York Refused to Hand Him Over to ICE. A Paedophile Grooming Gang Was Left To Roam The Streets Of Manchester – And Police Knew Who They Were And Exactly What They Were Doing. They threw Tommy Robinson in prison for reporting on this.  There was an article on Drudge that was talking about how the Iowa Caucus will now use a new smartphone app despite election security fears. They pushed this lie of Russian hacking when in reality it was one Russian troll farm who bought facebook ads. Wikileaks exposed the crimes of Hillary. We’ve shown you over and over again how easy it is to hack these voting machines. They have even had children come in and hack these at Defcon. They are doing everything they can to put our election online. They’re doing it because they know it can be hacked and want to be the ones doing it. They don’t respect the law or your privacy look at the push for 5G. SmartMatic began in Venezuela, the guys who wrote the software for it got Hugo Chavez elected. They were his friends. Now we have DARPA working with Microsoft on ElectionGuard. Do you think these people who have been working to overthrow the election for years are going to be honest with us about the next one? Of course not.

01:46:48: I tell you Iran does not know when to quit. They’ve been chanting ‘death to America’ since 1979. They just released another propaganda video showing them shooting at the White House. Showing them in the White House with a dead Trump and Netanyahu. Rocket’s reported fired at Taji military base in Iraq that hosts US-led coalition forces. Iran BLACKOUT: Is Twitter Banned In Iran? How Rebels Publicize Their Plight Online. Facebook’s Soleimani Ban Flies In The Face Of The First Amendment. Iranian journalists say they are being censored on Facebook.  That Facebook Will Turn To Censoring The Left Isn’t A Worry-It’s A Reality.  While Banning Pro-Piece Accounts, Twitter Openly Allows Pedophiles To Discuss Raping Children. As FTP points out if you push back against war you will be banned, but if you want to promote drag queen story hour or talk about raping children it’s all good.  US Clearing Anti-War Voices Off Social Media, this came out yesterday but I’ve been saying this for years. Remember when Drudge came here and told us the plan? He told us they want to get us into the internet ghettos and then burn them down. Unfortunately we have the ‘conservative’ groups like Heritage Foundation saying that’s totally fine.

01:56:14: ‘Homeland’ Star Accuses Trump Of Trying To ‘Have It Both Ways’ On Intelligence. I guess that makes him a full fledged member of the intelligence community. Saying he can’t have it both ways about the Russian hack being a lie and then trusting them when it comes to Iran. I think he’s right, these people are lying about everything! They lied about the Russian hack and they are lying about Iran. We have Crowdstrike the private contractor for Hillary Clinton claiming that the Russians hacked Burisma to compromise Biden. They hacked Burisma and got documents! But don’t look at the documents. Those nasty Russians! But if they really believed that do you think the Democrats would put this unsecured smartphone app in at the heart of Iowa caucus? Of course not. Don’t look at what was exposed about Hillary and Biden, only look at what we say about them. They decided to use the smartphone app even after three almost four years of Russian hack propaganda. This proves they don’t believe any of this. This was the assessment of NPR. I’ve spent more time than anyone exposing the lies surround the false flag of the Skripal poisoning after the first three gas false flags failed. 9 months before we were taken off of social media we had that guy from the Pentagon saying ‘we need to silence the cannons on social media’. While Banning Pro-Peace Accounts, Twitter Openly Pedophiles To Discuss Raping Children. They even have different sub-genres of the MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons). Twitter has a problem if you talk about your opposition to vaccines but they have no problem with Pedophiles. 

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